This Block allows you to output comments of a record with a template you define. Configuration fields:

  1. Set the ID of Record you want to load the comments. Keep the default to load from current record.
  2. How do you want to sort the comments?
  3. Do you want to only output comments from your employee or Contact?
  4. Do you want to limit the number of comments to output?
  5. The Template, which would be applied to EVERY comment. $env[“commentAuthor”] will contain the Name of the Author of this comment. (Users Name or Contact name)
  6. What do you want to insert between two comments? Keep default/empty to only get an empty line between comments.
  7. The $env Variable you want to write the result to.


The most useful case would be to use the result within a “send mail” block, because comments and the block would normally generate HTML output.

This block write it’s result to an Environmental Variable. So you could access the result with

<?php return $env[“envvariablename”]; ?>

or easier



Enter your comment. Wiki syntax is allowed:
   ___    __  ___   ___      __   ___ 
  / _ \  /  |/  /  / _ | __ / /  / _ \
 / , _/ / /|_/ /  / __ |/ // /  / ___/
/_/|_| /_/  /_/  /_/ |_|\___/  /_/