Product Description

This module enhance the Filter conditions, integrate my complex condition component, allow to change sort order and ListView Header Label Replacements.

Buy this module only, if you have some time for testing it in your CRM, because it have the power to crash your ListView!
This module require modifications of core, which could be done by module automatically.

Online Demo here

But slowly and step by step:

Feature 1 – Related Fields Conditions

You want to create Custom Views with conditions, which also check fields in referenced records?
For example list all Contacts, which works within a financial company? Or list Jobs (Custom module) of a company within a specific industry? → Possible

Feature 2 – Create multiple nested Condition groups, combined by different logical operators

You want to create a Condition: If A or B and C or D is true, list this record. → Possible with my condition component of Workflow Designer

Feature 3 – Change default Sort order

Simple but effective. Change the default order column and direction of a CustomView. Additional sort Number Columns with Prefix in numerical order.
For example sort not like INV1, INV10, INV2,INV3 but INV1, INV2, INV3, INV10 → Possible

Feature 4 – Shorten Headlines of ListView

Your Field label of a Checkbox Column is very long and the waste space in ListView is a problem? → Possible to change Field Label in Headline per CustomView

Feature 5 – Custom list columns and conditions

Do you want to show prices of Products you set in different Pricelists in one Overview, in the Way: Product1, Price from ListA, Price from ListB, Price from ListC → Possible
Do you want to show “SUM of open Invoices” of a Organization? Or List only Organization with Unpaid Invoices? → Possible
Some more custom columns and filter …
Do you have an inhouse PHP developer and wants to add other custom columns? → Very easy

Before you buy

The module do NOT work within Calendar Module! Not possible and could not be implemented at this moment!

This module would not be possible, without file modifications, because VtigerCRM don’t provide necessary interfaces. The modifications are not hard coded code of this module, but only calls to my Event Handler module. This theoretically also allow other modules to interact with VtigerCRM like this module does.
This module have an integrated “File Patcher”, which could also work with files, different then original one. Only the insert points must be available. You also could do the modifications manually if you don’t trust this function.

Check Dependencies

VtigerCRM 6.1+, PHP 5.3+, MySQL, Curl and Soap PHP module
Check file modifications with the Search Plus Modulestub !
I prepare a ZIP file, which do the same file modifications, but nothing other. You could download this ZIP here: SearchPlus Testmodule (13) Install with Module Manager and go default Setup process. If everything works, you could buy the module
Because of the complicated and complex implementation of this modification, you only buy a license for VtigerCRM 6.x. It won’t work in later Versions, like 7.x.
I will do my best to apply the functions again, if not already available in core and provide a discount for upgrading, but you do not have any security, if this is quickly possible.
Every version of this module you buy, will support my work in background and allow me to provide my other extensions for a fair price.

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