Because I modify the VtigerCRM CustomView Handling in a way, which probably is not good, there could be issues with special situations.
In any case you could completely deactivate the “Search Plus” Module to disable every Event. This makes your Vtiger working like before.

Because you only want to get a “Blank Page” if something went wrong, you don’t have the change to modify the CustomView again to remove the errors.

In this case it is important to know, nothing is lost. You only could not see it.
Add the following parameter to the URL of the page, which throw the blank page/error:


This will disable all Functions of the Search Plus module for this single request and you could open the CustomView Editor to remove the condition or column, which generate the problem.

But please understand. Because of the complex integration of this module, it could be the answer is “Not possible“. Then we will try to found a solution, but you could not use it at this moment for this special situation.

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