Create Comment

This Task allows you to automatically create comments in the executed or a related entity.

Process Example

  • add a comment to Contacts if you change some values
  • add a comment to the Organization if you interact with a Contact from this company
  • add a Comment to the Organization if you send a reminder for an invoice

Custom IDs

You could choose “custom” as record ID to show a textfield, which could be used to generate the record ID, which will be used for comment creation. This textfield could also generate a comma separeted list of record IDs. Every ID will be used to create an equal comment.

Enter your comment. Wiki syntax is allowed:
   _  __   ____   ___    __ __  _____
  | |/_/  / __/  / _ \  / //_/ / ___/
 _>  <   _\ \   / // / / ,<   / /__  
/_/|_|  /___/  /____/ /_/|_|  \___/