Share on ... Google+ Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Table of Contents Importer Example 1 Example 2 Discussion Importer In Verison 1.87 a new feature was integrated, which will help you to Import csv-Files and do individual tasks for every line from the file. The basic idea behind this feature is to create a system, which could be used to import data in every possible csv-format. That means the csv don't need to have a default structure like this: row1 ⇒ record1 row2 ⇒ record2 row3 ⇒ record3 You could create a process which could handle the following structure (Only an example): row1 ⇒ record1 basic data row2 ⇒ additional information to record1 (products, …) row3 ⇒ additional information to record1 row4 ⇒ record2 basic data You only have to implement this process in the Workflow Designer. (At the moment I only have a far idea how this could be implemented, but it should be possible.) Please following the following steps to use this feature: (You could integrate other tasks, but this should be the basic structure) You could use the first example as start of the workflow. At first you have to create a Workflow with the Trigger “Import Process”. This makes the Workflow invisible in situations, different than import. After you set the Trigger to “Import Process” you have to reload the Workflow Designer Page, because there will be additional tasks available. (CSV Import) You should create and configure a task “get next line from CSV” Сreate a task “Import finished” and connect the bottom output from the next line task. This path will execute if the file was completely imported Easiest way: create a task “execute expression with external record” to check if there is a record in your crm, which have to be changed by the CSV values (or directly create a record, …) Use the two functions wf_setField() and wf_save_record() to directly interact with the record you found. Now you could start the Import from the ListView of the assigned Module. Click on “start Workflow” and switch to “Importer” to upload your file. Example 1 I have created an example which will reflect this steps and search a Contact with the email from column1 and set the “title” field to the value from column 2. Download: Example Importer CSV-Example:,newTitleValue,newTitleValue2 Example 2 This example will search Contacts by eMail (first Column). If the Contact exists, update phone and fax (4th and 5th column). If not, create Contact and set eMail, firstname, lastname, phone and lastname from CSV. Download: Example 2 CSV-пример:,Firstname1,lastname1,01235551,01239991,Firstname2,lastname1,01235552,01239992,Firstname3,lastname1,01235553,01239993,Firstname4,lastname1,01235554,01239994,Firstname5,lastname1,01235555,01239995,Firstname6,lastname1,01235556,01239996,Firstname7,lastname1,01235557,01239997,Firstname8,lastname1,01235558,01239998,Firstname11,lastname11,012355511,012399911 Discussion Real name: E-Mail: Address: Enter your comment. Wiki syntax is allowed: Please fill all the letters into the box to prove you're human. _ __ ______ ___ ______ ____ | |/_//_ __/ / _ |/_ __/ / __/ _> < / / / __ | / / / _/ /_/|_| /_/ /_/ |_|/_/ /_/ Please keep this field empty: Subscribe to comments