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2016-05-08: Обновитесь до последней, улучшенной версии

Вы можете запустить Бизнес-Процесс вручную из панели в vTiger или посредством PHP-файла. Вам нужен следующий PHP-код:

// The ID of the Workflow you want to execute
$workflow_id = 1;
// The user, which will be used for execution
$executionUserId = 1;
// Specify a CRMID if you want to execute the record in context of this record. (Important for field values)
$crmid = false;
$wfExecuter = new \Workflow\Execute();
if(!empty($crmid)) {
// Set the $env Variable, which is initially available in Workflow
$wfExecuter->setEnvironment(array("variable" => "value", "variable2" => "value2"));
// If you have created your own trigger to execute multiple workflows, you could use the following function
// Notice: Handling of configuration in Settings will be improved in future versions of Workflow Designer
// $wfExecuter->runByTrigger("TriggerKey");
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   __ __  ____   __ __   ____   ____
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