Table of Contents


This Task is the start of all workflows and this is allowed only once in a workflow.task_start



On first save Execute when a record is created
On every save Execute every time a record is modified (From the User or the Webservice)
Start manually Don't execute this workflow automatically. You could execute this workflow only manually from sidebar or from other Workflows
start with email sending Execute every time a mail is stored for a record (Regardless if you send or the MailScanner connect)
start on new comment Execute every time a comment is created for a record
You get the Content of the Comment in $env[“commentcontent”] and the UserId from the Author in $env[“assigned_user_id”]
import Process Won't be started manually. Needs to be set for Import Workflows
Reference to Record was set Execute this workflow if a record was referenced in another record

Request this values, before execution


If you activate this option, you could start a Workflow from ListView, without choosing a record. This will increase the usability if you create an export workflow or a workflow, which check some option.

Warning! Please note, if you don't choose a related record, every used field value variables, which depend on the current record, will return an empty value!

execute process only once with all checked records in listview

Normally a workflow will be executed one time for every record you checked in ListView. If you enable this option the Workflow will only be executed with the first record you select and write all selected record IDs comma separated in the $env Variable you configure.

Example: You select 3 records in listview and want to generate one email with data from all checked records.
You enable this option and configure the variablename to “recordids”.
Now you could access the IDs in the variable $env[“recordids”] in the format id1,id2,id3